Blessed Are The Poor in Spirit

Blessed Are The Poor in Spirit

Poor In Spirit Meaning

The term “poor in spirit” is often misunderstood due to its biblical context. It is found in Matthew 5:3, where Jesus states, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” This phrase is part of the Beatitudes, a section of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. 

Does “Poor In Spirit” Mean Poverty?

Being “poor in spirit” does not refer to a lack of financial resources or an impoverished lifestyle. Instead, it is a spiritual concept that signifies a person’s humble recognition of their need for God. It is about acknowledging one’s spiritual bankruptcy and total dependence on God for salvation. 

Poor in The Greek

In the original Greek text, the word used for “poor” is “ptochos,” which means “to crouch or cower as one helpless.” It implies a deep sense of spiritual destitution and helplessness, recognizing that we have nothing to offer to secure our salvation. 

Spiritual Poverty

Jesus’ statement that the “poor in spirit” are blessed or happy may seem paradoxical. However, it is in this state of spiritual poverty that we can truly understand our need for God’s grace and mercy. It is only when we realize our spiritual need and turn to God for help that we can receive the blessings of the kingdom of heaven. 

Not The World’s Definition of Poor In Spirit

The concept of being “poor in spirit” is contrary to the world’s values, which often promote self-sufficiency and independence. However, in the spiritual realm, it is the humble and the needy who are exalted. This is a recurring theme in the Bible, where God often chooses the weak and the lowly to demonstrate His power and grace. 

The Kingdom of Heaven is Theirs?

Yeshua says the Kingdom of Heaven is to those who are “poor in spirit.” This could have a broad meaning but essentially it refers to the salvation of the believer who exhibits humility. Not to the proud and religious like the Pharisees. This merits eternal life with God before death (Romans 6:23), and an abundant life with God before death. (John 10:10)


In conclusion, being “poor in spirit” is about recognizing our spiritual poverty and our need for God. It is about humility, dependence on God the Holy Spirit to help us daily to live holy, and the recognition that we cannot save ourselves. It is this attitude that opens the door to the kingdom of heaven. Contrary to this, is the Church of Laodicea in Revelation 3 who were proud, rich, and arrogant who eventually made Yeshua sick to the point where He spit them out and removed their names from the Lamb’s Book of Life.  


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