Revelation of Transformation: Julie Chen Moonves 

Revelation of Transformation: Julie Chen Moonves 

Julie Chen Moonves, the beloved host of “Big Brother,” has captivated audiences with her television career. However, she is now making headlines for a different reason – her newfound Christian faith.

In her recently released project, “But First, God: An Audio Memoir of Spiritual Discovery,” Moonves delves into her personal journey of faith.

“I had never owned a Bible until I found Jesus in 2018,” she shared with CBN Digital. “A friend who used to be a cameraman gifted me one.”

The Cameraman and A Bible

This cameraman, who later became a pastor, played a significant role in Moonves’ spiritual journey. As she delved into the Bible, she began to uncover truth for the first time.

“At first, the Bible seemed daunting and intimidating. It felt like I was listening to Shakespeare,” Moonves recalled. “So, I decided to listen to an audio version. However, the only one I could find was the King James Version, which was difficult to understand.”

Jullie Chen Reads The NIV Bilble

Moonves, who had previously written a children’s book, approached Simon & Schuster and offered to read the New International Version of the Bible for free. She believed that this project would not only help her navigate the Bible but also provide an easier-to-understand version for others.

An Audio Book is Born

To her surprise, the publisher proposed the idea of an audio memoir, allowing Moonves to share her faith journey. And thus, “But First, God” was born.The memoir offers a glimpse into Moonves’ discovery after spending 48 years ignoring the Lord, despite her mother’s conversion to Catholicism.

“I was so focused on this world that I didn’t acknowledge the existence of any other world beyond it,” Moonves admitted. “My false idol was work, my career, my job. I believed that any success I achieved was solely due to my own efforts.”

She continued, “I never really thought about God.”

However, everything changed in 2018 when Moonves received that Bible. Amid life struggles, she began to contemplate the Lord more deeply. She attended various churches and eventually found solace in a Presbyterian congregation.

“The sermons were easy to understand,” she said. “I started attending Bible study classes and watching YouTube videos from a wonderful Bible teacher.”

When the pandemic hit, Moonves turned to devotionals by Billy Graham and incorporated prayer into her journey. As she dedicated more time to studying the Word, her understanding of God and herself deepened.

She also shared that her mother moved in with her after her father’s passing, and together, they studied Scripture. This experience further solidified Moonves’ faith.

“I truly began to understand who God is, who I am, why I’m here, and how He has blessed me throughout my life, even when I ignored Him,” Moonves revealed. “He gave me this career so that I could use my platform as a public figure to declare Jesus as my Lord and Savior.”

Today, Moonves is on a mission to share her faith and embrace forgiveness. Despite the challenges of being in Hollywood, she has been pleasantly surprised by the support and excitement she has received.

Moonves also discussed her decision to let go of anger and embrace forgiveness, particularly after her departure from “The Talk,” a daily talk show.

“Forgiveness has been liberating for me,” she expressed. “When I didn’t understand its power, I would stew in anger, which only harmed myself. It was unproductive and unhealthy.”

Julie Chen Moonves has undergone a remarkable transformation through her faith. She now stands firm, proudly declaring what Jesus has done for her and who He is. As she continues her journey, she hopes to inspire others to do the same.


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